Friday, July 25, 2008

Random Funnies

Okay - Kinzie went to Abilene the week Blaze was in the hospital to visit my brothers and sister!
This conversation took place in Charla's car on the way....

Kinzie "Charla - when are you going to get married?"

Charla "When I find the right man"

Kinzie "He has to be Christian man"

Charla "Okay"

Kinzie "He can't smoke either"

Charla "Okay a non-smoking Christian man"

Kinzie "Yeah because if he smokes he will die and then you have to start ALL over again"


Silverthornes said...

sounds like you Kinzie has a good head on her shoulders. Smart thinking.

Jessica said...

that is hilarious!!! oh, and thanks for updating your blog and posting some pictures.
(aaden informed me today that he and jackson are going to go play golf...apparently they decided yesterday at church)

Ashley said...

Now that is funny!

Hope all is well!

Love ya!

TexasNeals said...

such a little girl for such big wisdom!!!

Anonymous said...

I found your blog when reading the Leonards. Your family is so beautiful. I am glad to hear your third one is doing better. That Kinzie is really something, she has made my day. Love ya'll. Glad to have found your blog.
C. Moses